Rocket League Anniversary Update Review


                        Yesterday Rocket League released there anniversary update which has a lot of new features and I will tell you my opinion on all of them. 

Champions Field 

                       In the new update they added a new arena called champions field. It is laid out just like the other basic arenas but it doesn't feel like the other arenas. For some reason this map feels really big and it threw me off the first couple of times I played it. I feel like the arena should feel simpler and there is just a weird vibe with it but the huge trophy is cool and it is a normal map. But it is not my favorite arena 

Rocket Trails 

                          I don't love rocket trails, quite honestly I think they are lame. They only appear when you are going super sonic speeds and you barely notice them. I would be pissed if I got a rocket trail in a crate. It is not a needed customization and it doesn't look all that different. You get rocket trails for the place you got in the last competitive season. Still I barely notice it so it really is not a good customization in my opinion. 

Engine Sounds 

                           You can now pick engine sounds from any car you want and put it on any car you want. This is a better customization option than rocket trails but I never had a problem with engine sounds to begin so this customization doesn't mean much to me. I think this is a really cool idea and I hope to see more cool engine sounds in the future. 

Goal Explosions 

                           The goal explosions are my favorite part of this update by far. Every time you score, the goal explodes but now they can be customized. There are standard color change explosions which do look great and there are epic explosions you can get from the new Overdrive Crate which are absolutely awesome. Best part of this update.

Overdrive Crates 

                  The Overdrive crate is the first crate to ever have custom rocket trails and goal explosions. The rocket trails are still not that great but the goal explosions are absolutely epic. There are two new cars you can get from this crate which look pretty sweet. Most of the items in this crate are actually pretty awesome and I would open this crate if you get one.

Other Additions 

                    The game added a bunch of cool Rick and Morty items that everyone will eventually get. There is a also a new menu for matchmaking which is really interesting and nice looking. There are new songs in the soundtrack which are good like the songs generally are. That is pretty much all the you need to know about this update. 


                   I really like this update the goal explosions and the new crate are great. But the new arena and rocket trail customization are not that great. Everything else in the update is fine and makes Rocket League a better game than it was 2 days ago. I really like this update and I really like how Psyonix has come up with creative ways to improve their game now 2 year old game. 

I give this update 9 Awesome Goal Explosions out of 10 

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