No Man's Sky | Art and Science Melded into a Beautiful Game


Does that express my excitement sufficiently? ;P
As I say in the beginning of the video below, this will be something very different from what I usually do here on Steemit, but I just couldn't let the opportunity pass to share my favourite game with you all.
And what you should know is that I am not your typical gamer. I really don't play games much. With my life the way it is right now, I have become very fussy with how I spend my time and so, believe me, if I'm sinking a few hours a week into this game, it's because it is worth it ;)

Image Copyright, Hello Games
This game is utterly unique... Let me tell you why (interspersed with some screenshots from my gameplay which you can watch in the video below):
First off, it is what is called an open sandbox game. You can get in and essentially do whatever you want. There is an intriguing, mysterious story that you can follow and unravel, but you don't have to... You can opt to explore the universe as an adventurer, seeking out interesting and unique planets/animals/terrains.

Or you can settle on a beautiful planet and perhaps start farming, or focus on building the most incredible planet-base in the galaxy. You can become a pirate, ransacking the freighters often found it orbit around planets... Also, now in this update, you can join do any of the above but with friends in multi-player!

But the reason the game is truly unique is because of the way it was made... Usually, when you see something in a game, be it a castle or a river or some beautiful backdrop, you're seeing something that was drawn on purpose by an artist and put in that place specifically by the programmers. NMS is different: It uses procedural generation to create everything you see!

Every plant, animal and terrain you see is generated from pure code. I wish I understood it better in order to describe it better. But basically, everything you discover is completely unique, with nobody else in the game ever having seen the same thing.

Unless of course if another player arrived in the system/on the planet before you, then only two players in the galaxy will have seen it ;P ... And this is incredibly unlikely because of the immense size of the universe.

Try to imagine: There are over 18 quintillion possible planets to discover. 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 to be exact. And remember, they don't actually exist until you find them.
This explains how it is possible to have so many and also emphasises that when you do find a planet, it is 100% unique because it is only generated when a player arrives at it.


And as I said, that applies not only to planets but to all the flora and fauna on them! I didn't get any good screenshots of the strange and wonderful animals on the frozen planet I landed on because I was too busy trying not to die ;P ... But I'll be doing more posts (not necessarily with a video every time) and I promise to share all the wonders of the universe that I discover ;)
And that's the note I'm going to leave you on... If you want to see directly what it's like trying to survive right in the beginning of the game, take a look at my video below. As I said, I won't always make videos for these posts, but I will whenever I find especially amazing discoveries ^^
Thanks for reading! (and watching! ;))

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A few recent posts of mine:
The Mandelsage Challenge! - My Most Precious Possessions | "Snowflake" - Gallery: Motifs | ULOG: Talking into the Future 001 - Overwhelmed
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