Civilization Games pt.1

Build an empire to stand the test of time through the ages is what this series is all about. One of the longest lasting and always improving 4X strategy gaming series is something every gamer must try out at least once, if you never played any Civilization game you are missing out a lot. It is not just a pass time, playing Civ games you will learn a lot about history of our civilization, you will learn to strategize and weigh your options, analyze the situation and come on top. In part 1 I will talk about early installments of this series. 


First game was released all the way back in 1991 when the world was younger and dinosaurs walked the earth. Microprose developed and published first few games under the guidance of mastermind Sid Meier. While these were simple beginnings from long time ago something truly great would come from this series in the future. Civilization is turn based strategy game where players get to chose their civilization and start building it up through the ages. Game begins 4000 BC and ends in 2100 AD, 6000 years of increasing your empire through science, trading or warfare. Base that would later become a building foundation of every Civ game in the future. 

Civilization 2

Second Civilization game was released in 1996 and it switched from top down to isomeric perspective, an immediate improvement for the eye. Looked good and played even better, Civilization 2 brought many other improvements to the game such as many more units, settler and worker options regarding city tiles improvements. There are two paths to victory in this game, to be the last civilization remaining or to build a spaceship and reach Alpha Centauri (which brings us to Civilization spin-off game Alpha Centauri that I'll be talking about some other time) before any of the other civilizations. Most players would do warfare instead as that brings more joy and excitement, crush the opponent or fly to the stars, your choice.

Civilization 3

Third game in the series was released in 2001 and it had more modern look to it when you compare it with older games in the series, as it should be considering all the graphics and hardware improvements over the years. Third game Civilization game shaped up to be one of the best ones in the series. As always start from scratch, explore surrounding areas and fend off early barbarian attacks. There are so many elements to this game to put it shortly in this style of blog, but here goes. Your cities have happiness meter and civilizations with happy citizens can improve faster than revolting ones. As a player you need to balance between food, production, science, happiness and culture for each city and civilization. 


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