Croatian Games

When you are from a small country everything is harder to achieve if you want to reach the global market. To create great game developers need to raise a lot of money and that can be almost impossible to do in countries like Croatia, but from time to time some brave developers rise to the occasion and great example of that is Croteam, team behind Serious Sam series and Talos Principle. There are some small developer teams that try here and there but nothing big comes out of it. Here are some games made in Croatia worth mentioning. 

Serious Sam: The First Encounter

Serious Sam series is probably know by everyone. It is a first person shooter series with it's first game released in 2001 that was immediate success. Game is fast action paced with a hero like Duke Nukem named Serious Sam that kicks ass like no other. Clean, fast and sharp graphics are also big draw for this game. Some enemies you encounter through out the game are very memorable like headless dudes that yell and rush at you with two bombs, imagine hundeds of those enemies rushing at you at the same time and you will have an idea what Serious Sam games are. FUN!

The Ward

This is one of the first point and click adventure games from Croatia released in 2000. It is a SF game about mission on the moon where things somehow went horribly wrong and it is up to you to explore and find clues what happened and survive the encounter with aliens. 

Gas Guzzlers

Gas Guzzlers is a combat racing game from Gamepires released in 2013. Game that reminds of old racing games like Twisted Metal and Carmagedon. It is a decent driving experience if you like arcade driving and destroying other cars with mounted guns, rockets and other tools of destruction. There are 18 different cars that include some Balkan oldtimers and I'm sure that is a nice draw for the local boys.

The Talos Principle

Another great game from Croteam is a puzzle game released in 2014. Game received decent reviews from most of the gaming media. In this game you take control of a robot with human mind and you need to finish many number of puzzle maps. This game reminds me of Portal games with added dose of philosophical and more mature approach to the game, any game that can do that is worth looking at. 


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