Diablo Games

What can I say about this gaming franchise, a lot actually. One of the most controversial gaming series when you include the last game in it's vanilla state. But this is not only about Diablo 3, it is about every Diablo game and the world we are playing in, the Sanctuary. This game jump started the whole genre of games called action role playing games or short ARPG's. Main feature of every Diablo game is the dark story, the class progression, slaying throngs of monsters and that sweet sweet loot we all love. It is fun to start with one handed short sword in nothing but the rags and end up wielding two handed Battle Hammer of the Thousand Gods and Armor of Unlimited Power. If you don't like that then sorry and congratulations, you are able to spend more time in real life. 


First game was one of those games that everyone who played it will always remember how great games should be done. I'll start just by saying that everything was perfect in 1st Diablo game, every sound, every item, every monster had something about them that makes this game so immersive and long lasting. With the Hellfire expansion we, the old school players had it all. Fresh meat in this game is not what you would normally think it is. Spoiler alert - fresh meat is you.

Diablo 2

Epic sequel that surpassed even the first game for it's greatness. In this game we fight against demonic prime evils in 4 chapters, all brothers of the big red one. Every class we could chose was iconic and interesting, 5 classes were offered in vanilla game Paladin, Barbarian, Sorceress, Amazon and fan favorite Necromancer. Every class had it's distinctive skill trees. Itemization and class progression are hard to match, even for today's standards.

Lord of Destruction

Expansion expanded the game and added new story chapter where we would fight another prime evil Bhaal, with the help of interesting two new classes, Druid and Assassin. Excellent expansion that added so much more to the original game, one of the best expansions ever made. It is hard to imagine anyone playing Diablo 2 without this expansion.

Diablo 3

This is the one, the one true "devils" game where we finally realized that Blizzard don't really care about this loving franchise and just wants to make more money. In hindsight that was logical way of putting it but as a long fan of Blizzard games and excellence I did'n expect that. Diablo 3 was a game within a game, main game and the Auction House game. We would grind really bad items in the game and sell them for real money. Of course Blizzard would take the cut of every transaction, and there were millions of transactions every day.  Diablo 3 had weaker story than the original games. Itemization was terrible and they spend so much time developing 2 genres for every class. All that left the bad taste in our mouths and people started abandoning the game. 

Reaper of Souls

This expansion brought back hope for Diablo 3, that abomination of Auction house was dropped and itemization was very much improved, new chapter was dark and atmospheric and new class Crusader was and still is fun to play. Forget about vanilla Diablo 3, Reaper of Souls is a completely new game worth your time.


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