Disciples Games

As a fan of Heroes of Might and Magic series I had to branch out to see what else is there with similar style of gameplay and I found Disciples series. Good that I did because the art style of Disciples series is very distinct, unlike any other game on the market, the look developers gave to different type of monsters is very imaginative. Disciples games are not only great in graphics department, they are also very fun to play. Players can explore big maps, level up their armies, cast spells on adventure map and inside battle screens. Very interesting series for people that like this type of games and would like to see something new.

Disciples: Sacred Lands

First game was released in 1999. Gamplay is very similar to Heroes of Might and Magic with city building and map adventuring. Combat was slightly different though, unlike Heroes games, we could only hire few units that would level up instead of massive armies of thousands in Heroes games. Four races clashed in an all out war in a fantasy world of Sacred Lands. Humans, Dwarfes, Legions of the Damned and the Undead. 

Disciples 2: Dark Prophecy

This was one of my favorite games of early 2000s, Disciples dark art style and very interesting and disturbing story mixed with addictive gameplay made this game one of the all time greats for me. When you do battles there are strict rules of engagement, ranged units are at the back and they can't be reached without killing the front line, that would create different battle options for different unit compositions. Four races from the original returned in this game with added Elves in the expansion. One of those games that will satisfy all your gaming cravings.

Disciples 3: Renaissance

Third game in the series took a different route. This time units could move on the battle screen scenarios and were not as static like in the first two games. Your ranged units could now be flanked and suddenly it is a different game. It had the same dark and gothic artstyle, gameplay slightly worse, but for me this game was worth playing being a huge fan of Dark Prophecy. Three races were present in the base game with added Undead faction with Resurrection expansion. Game series that any fan of Heroes series might like, check it out if you can. 


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