Empire Earth Games

Empire Earth is a RTS game series about human progression and advancement through the ages. Unlike Age of Empires games where players can advance few hundred years, in this game series we start from the stone age and we can build up until far future with all sorts of advanced tech and robotic army. This game series will throw huge amount of content on your head and soon you will realize that you are having a blast playing this series. Game series meant to be played by any hardcore fan of RTS genre.

Empire Earth 

First game was released in 2001. and in terms of features it was a game to remember. Compared to Age of Empires this game had 14 Epochs that start from prehistoric age and end up in Nano age. You will need massive amounts of resources to get to nano age, but once you do you will feel like an accomplished general that has seen it all. Amount of details that went into making this game is staggering. Every epoch has it's own units and it is not too rare of an occasion to see cavalry fighting against tanks, that is if you advance faster than your opponents do. An expansion called The Art of Conquest was released that adds another epoch named Space age. Compare that to any other game you will see the appeal this game can offer.

Empire Earth 2

Sequel was released in 2005. and it was more of the same with slightly advanced graphics engine. The game features 15 epochs, many different civilizations and has three playable campaigns, Korean, German, and American. Some additional features were added like diplomacy and second window where we could micromanage the base and fight on other one. Advancing through ages will always give you access to mine new resources required for new tech. You are also given points to spend on Military, Economic and Imperial tree depending on your tactics. Decent second game of this series with not as much impact as the first game had, still great though.

Empire Earth 3 

Last game in the series was released in 2007. Empire Earth 3 took a different road than previous games in the series. This time there were no 15 epochs, this time game developers compressed all that into 5 major epochs, game also had less factions than previous games. Seeing all that you can easily say that this was a dumbed down version of Empire Earth. Game really was that bad. One good feature is that all three factions that are literally named Middle Eastern, Western and Far Eastern are very different in terms of gameplay. First and second game in the series are worth it, this one not so much. 


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