F.E.A.R. Games

F.E.A.R. is a popular first person shooter series with heavy horror elements. This game series is very similar to Ring movies. We got the same looking girl monster killing everything with her psychic powers. This shooter series is known for it's atmosphere and great graphics as well as very fun shooter elements. This series is not for the weak hearted, blood can be seen everywhere. 


First game was released by Monolith Productions in 2005. Story in this game is about the squad of specialized soldiers trained in fighting the supernatural as members of F.E.A.R. (First Encounter Assault Recon) organization. Game begins as our squad with the lead of player controlled Point Man, a reflex enhanced leader of the squad, investigating the murders of Armacham Technology Corporation by the group of cloned soldiers. The Point Man experiences unexplained paranormal hallucinations that happen at times during mission and in every hallucination he sees a red-dressed little girl named Alma Wade. She was a test subject in Armacham Technology Corporation, escaped and went on a killing spree on her captors. Your mission is to find out who is behind cloned soldier attacks and discover what is Alma Wade. Point man can use reflex time that slows down time and during reflex time you can clear the rooms Neo style. Great shooting elements and creepy story are the reasons why this series made all that success.

F.E.A.R.2: Project Origin

Second game was released in 2009 and continued with the story of Alma Wade. This time however, we play as a different protagonist, a soldier Michael Bennet. He is a part of Delta Squad in attempt to stop Alma from her total psychic domination over the whole city. The plot thickens and it is worth checking out without me spoiling it. Second game offered some new fun gameplay with addition of controllable mechs you can hop in and shoot with. New supernatural enemies made combat interesting and some new weapons were fun to use.  

F.E.A.R. 3

Last game in the series was released in 2011 and Point Man from the first game returned with the help from Paxton Fettel. You can chose to play as Point Man from the first game or Paxton who can use psychic power on his enemies. Point Man was captured by the ATC and saved by his brother Paxton, two of them needed to escape from the clutches of new monster the Creep. With two playable characters you can experience two completely different play styles and game endings. This game series as a whole is worth your time for it's unique horror atmosphere and fun gameplay.


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