Fallout Games pt.2

This is a game series that brings players to a post apocalyptic setting where world gets destroyed by nuclear war, leftovers are destroyed wastelands with mutated animals and people. There are also crazy human factions, advanced, or primitive who are all trying to survive in this inhospitable world of Fallout. While older Interplay Fallout games had save all the villagers main quest, Bethesda Fallout games turned the focus to finding lost members of your family in a full 3D game. Fallout games are never boring, you will always find something to do and if you haven't played any Fallout game what are waiting for. Every Fallout game right here on Steemit part 2.

Fallout 3

So many people were hyped when Fallout 3 was announced, full switch from old school isometric perspective with turned based combat to 3rd person perspective, or 1st person perspective in 3D environment with full action combat. Player could also switch to VATS or rechargeable turn based combat for more tactical approach for the fights. Explore the wasteland around Washington, find your dad and kill everything that moves. Blast of a game.

Fallout New Vegas

New Vegas was developed by Obsidian Entertainment and improvements are visible. In this game we play as a courier that was presumably shot dead in a wasteland around Las Vegas, he somehow survived and tried to find out who is responsible for that crime.  What I and most people found more interesting in this game is a factions variety, you could join many groups like NCR, Legion or some smaller factions and play as one of them in all out war. Also, New Vegas city and area around it was so much fun to explore.

Fallout 4

Latest and in many ways improved Fallout game that made some elements great like combat, crafting and exploration. New dialogue system is not that great though, new system lowered the score in many reviews and I agree, they should of left old dialogue system. In this game we play as character from prewar era that got frozen in vault just before bombs fell and was awoken in post apocalyptic Boston. Huge game for sure and if you can push through the dialogue system it is well worth your time if you haven't tried it yet.


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