Game Review - Warhammer 40000: Eternal Crusade

Eternal Crusade is a Warhammer40k game with whole bunch of game genres squished in together, but if I would to give the game a proper description it would be Third Person Perspective Massive Multiplayer Team Battle Arena.  Not too long ago this game came out of early access, few months later in still unfinished state devs decided to go with Free to Play model. I've been very busy with testing the game and even though I'm pretty immersed in it, there are quite a lot of flaws still needed to iron out. 

  1. This is the most unoptimized game today so if you do not have full windows updates, 64bit windows, huge amounts of expensive hardware, you still won't run this game smoothly like other modern games that look way better than this one.
  2. Total destruction of new players against fully equipped veteran players who played this game for many months now.  There is not even a chance to survive more than few seconds, and add the all the lagg and optimization and you are done.
  3.  Free to play model that is very restrictive, so you will be urged to spend money on the game, or take the huge amounts of beating from the veterans.

It is not all bad though, 4 factions offer very fun gameplay, and there are many items to unlock and pimp up your Eldars, Space Marines, Orks and Chaos Space Marines. Every faction has special wargear and vehicles, things get quite hectic at times when 30vs30 matches play out. It is an all out Warhammer insanity and that is the main reason I like the game. 

Eternal Cruasade is a mess that sill needed one more year of development before full release, amazingly it is making them money, and that is the whole point I guess. If they will make the game like this and release it unfinished with so many flaws in it right now, it is almost unfair to give it any score. But it is out and the score is: 

67/100 Too Soon!


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