Gaming Retrospective - Aliens vs Predator

These two iconic and very deadly monsters had their share of games and Aliens vs Predator is one of the best ones. Game was released in 1999 and it offered three very different play styles. Campaign mode had three separate campaigns, Colonial Marine, Predator and Alien one. Every human or alien have their own set of weapons and skills, Aliens are the fastest and can climb everywhere, Predators are just like in the movies with stealth gadgets and deadly weapons and Colonial Marines have their iconic weapons like Pulse and Smart guns. 

 Multiplayer games were so much fun. Playing as a marine and watching your radar tick for movement can be pretty stressful at times. When aliens start to close in from everywhere, there is nothing else to do instead of panic and shooting blindly. Not many games managed to achieve that chaos, it seems to me that by watching so many Alien movies, humans created scary images of Aliens in their heads, and when they experience this game that irrational fear comes to the surface, and you get scared very easily. Predator can use all of his deadly gadgets in the game and he can invoke the same amount of fear as aliens can. You would closely watch that Predator blur movement and once you notice it you are already dead with the projectile from shoulder mounted plasma canon aimed towards your head. This game man.. 


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