Gaming Retrospective - Bulletstorm

I'm writing a lot about First Person Shooters these days that I've played over the years. Bulletstorm is not very old but it still fits the category of old school shooter game. Bulletstorm was released in 2011 and it was made on Unreal 3 engine by Epic Games. Unreal 3 engine can generate some spectacular looking worlds and Bulletstorm is the fine example of that. Story of the game is set in 26th century and it is revolving around the team of mercenaries hunting the infamous criminals on the planet Stygia filled with mutated beasts. Environments are very organic and at times mixed with mega city architecture, that gave this game special look you don't see every day in FPS games.

Core gameplay mechanic of Bulletstorm is rewarding players with points for performing creative combo kills, with those points players can unlock new equipment, guns and ammo. Energy leash is one of the main tools for players to use creatively while dispatching foes. With the nice amount of weapons and alternate attacks some truly spectacular scenes can be created. Skillshot is another mechanic that rewards most points for the most creative of kills. Bulletstorm is very fast and and chaotic singleplayer shooter and I would recommend this game to anyone who feel the need for some mindless action.


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