Gaming Retrospective - Drakan: Order of the Flame

Way Before all teenagers started to have wet dreams about Khaleesi, the mother of dragons, there was this small third person action game called Drakan. Main protagonist is a lady named Rynn and she rides dragons too, cool, and she is a brunette, also cool. Game was released back in 1999 and was developed by Surreal Software. Story is focused on Rynn and her dragon Arokh trying to save Rynn's brother who was captured by the evil sorcerer. Rynn is one of the last dragon riding knights and she shares a special bond with her dragon once they are together, if one dies the other one dies too. 

Gameplay wise Rynn can perform all sorts of special moves and use all sorts of weapons to maim her enemies, and she is quite profficient at that. On some larger maps she can summon Arokh and mount him. This when the game starts to be very fun, riding a dragon and spitting fire at nearby enemies is most definitely fun. There is also a good amount of puzzle solving in the game, and this is when Rynn can obtain many special weapons and spells. Drakan: Order of the Flame is one of those old school games that pawed the way for modern third person games.


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