Gaming Retrospective - Freedom Force

Freedom Force is a fun superhero game from 2002. developed by Irrational Games. At the time games like this weren't popular like they are today with games like Marvel Heroes 2017 and DC Universe Online. Freedom Force had their own unique characters clearly inspired by Marvel and DC superheroes, you can't be too unique in that area considering how many superheroes there are. Tone and art style of the game was inspired by the comic books from the 60's. Players can control a squad of heroes and beat the bad guys powered by Energy X.

Gameplay is a mix between real time and turn based combat system. Environments in the game can be used for players advantage, throwing cars and other large objects was one of the game's fun mechanics. Heroes would gain levels and become stronger as the game progresses and you could even create your own heroes and hire them later in the game. Humor is one of the best selling points of the game and banter between heroes is good for relaxation after so many fights. Freedom Force is a fun little game from some simpler gaming times.


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