Gaming Retrospective - Gorky 17

Gorky 17 was very good but highly underrated game from 1999, it is a turn based role playing game in a very interesting horror setting. Main story takes us to abandoned city where NATO Lieutenant Cole Sullivan with his team of specialists was sent to investigate reports of mutants sightings. Previously another team was sent and vanished without trace, as we play through the game we would find clues on what happened to them and find out how mutants came to be. 

There are two game modes, exploration mode that resembles point and click adventure games and turn based combat mode when mutants attack our team. Members of our team have specific range of movement and they can perform one action per turn like using an item or firing a weapon, as well as defensive stances making them more tougher. Some mutants have wide variety of different traits and skills and you need to use tactics in order to beat them, some battles are very hard to win if you come unprepared. After some wins your troops will level up and become stronger, but the game will also introduce tougher mutants to balance things out. That horror atmosphere, tactics, mystery and interesting story is what made this game very fun for me back in the day.


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