Gaming Retrospective - Jade Empire

Jade Empire is a Western RPG set in late medieval China with a strong dose of supernatural and Chinese mythology. This is one of those rare lost gems made by Bioware that was so great that it surprised everyone how come there was no sequel to this game. 

Our hero is an orphan who grew up with Master Li, a master who runs a school for martial and spiritual arts training. Spiritual arts are when things get interesting and where the game takes a turn towards supernatural. After a surprise attack on school of martial arts Master Li got kidnapped and out mission is to save him, and without getting to into spoiler territory we will discover more deeper plot made by unsuspecting people. Nice twist as you will find out.

During our travels to find Master Li  we will meet many interesting characters that will join us in our mission to save him. Our character is the last Spirit Monk, powerful warrior that can use many fighting styles that can use spiritual energy themed on Chinese martial arts. 

Gameplay is very similar in style with Knights of the Old Republic which is not too surprising considering Bioware made both games. Battles play in real time and there are three distinct bars that we can use Health, Focus and Chi. Enemies come in all shapes and sizes and we can fight human opponents and later more supernatural beings like spirits, demons and monsters.

Jade Empire has beautiful world to explore and experience one of the most fun stories with experts from Bioware at the helm. If you haven't, check this game right now. Somehow I have a feeling that another Jade Empire game might be announced soon. There is an untapped potential waiting to be released on unsuspecting gaming world. 


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