Gaming Retrospective - KKND 2 Krossfire

I cannot hide the fact that I'm a huge fan of strategy games and that I played most of the good ones released over the years and today I have the perfect game to talk about. Krush Kill 'N Destroy 2 is one of those old school RTS's that were so much fun at the time.

Game is set in postapocalyptic 22nd century where mutated people are prosecuted by the surviving human faction, and in the all that conflict Robotic AI faction was born that will threaten both Mutants and Humans alike. End result is all out war between factions in good old RTS manner. 

Art style of this game is something that can look good 18 years later with hand drawn pixelated environments, buildings and units. Sounds were also masterfully done and it was a pleasure to participate in all those great features. Every faction is distinct from one another and all were fun to play. Evolved being very imaginative with all the domesticated mutated beasts, Survivors as a faction with armored units and heavy weapons, and last but not the least The Series 9, a robotic faction with the goal to eradicate all biological life. Yeah, fun world to live in.

Gameplay mechanics are just like every standard RTS game, build a base, gather resources and annihilate your opponents. Game also had fun strategic mechanic with unlockable areas on the map with powerful weapons from old wars that you unlock with your mechanics. Units that  that are randomized and can win you battles easy. KKND 2 in terms of gameplay is one of the most fun RTS  games ever.


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