Gaming Retrospective - MDK 2

MDK 2 is a third person action game from a year 2000 developed by Bioware. Game is known for it's comedy elements and crazy over the top action. There are three different playable characters in this game with completely different play styles. We have morphing suit user Kurt, Genetically engineered dog with 4 arms Max and doctor Fluke Hawkins who is more focused on puzzle solving. These three are here to stop the alien invasion again after they thought they succeeded at that from the ending of the first game. 

There are many great gaming mechanics in this game, they range from crazy action sequences, platforming to puzzle elements depending which character you are playing with. This game was and still is full package. It offers players tons of fun. Just imagine a dog with 4 miniguns, jetpack and missile launcher all firing at the same time, yes that is MDK 2 described in short. Unlike it's predecessor MDK2 is improved in every shape and form and this game is a blast to play 17 years later, you can check HD version if you are interested.


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