Gaming Retrospective - Overlord

Overlord is one of the most unique games out there that was released not too long ago in 2007 and developed by Triumph Studios known for their Age of Wonders series. We play as an Overlord who commands hordes of goblins to do his biddings. This game reminds me of a game that was released back in the late 90's called Dungeon Keeper where we play as a bad guy, but all that evilness is washed down by the game's light humor. 

Overlord can be evil or really evil and his main mission is to control hordes of goblin-like creatures or minions. The player must defeat seven corrupt ruling heroes in order to reconquer the lands and become the evil lord of the lands. Four minion races have different stats and abilities, for example brown minions are good in melee while red minions can cast fireballs, blue minions can revive other minions and green ones can remove poison clouds. In Fable style our Overlord will change his appearance depending on the choices in game. He can increase in power and increase minion count he can bring into missions and loot villages to improve his evil tower. Overlord is a fun little game with nice graphics worth checking out.


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