Gaming Retrospective - Rise of Legends


From time to time a game is released that stands out from the rest of them, somehow there is something special with that kind of game that you will always remember. Rise of Legends  had that, great art style, great music and most important of all great Real Time Strategy gameplay. Here is one of the music themes for you guys to have an idea what I'm talking about. 

Main economic music theme.

Rise of Nations was released in 2003 and at the time that game was very popular, Rise of Legends is a sequel that was based in a fantasy setting and was released in 2006. Rise of Nations had standard nations of the world while Rise of Legends had 3 main factions that were very distinct from one another. 

Vinci - Steampunk nation

Alin - Magic users and Elementals

Cuotl - Alien Technology users based on Mayan Mythology

Each of the factions would have one of the epic units like this.

Every faction also had their heroes that could change the course of the battle.  Economy is a big part of the game and each race had their own special mechanics, for example Cuotl would only need energy for production of their units while other races would need standard resources like wealth or crystals. Wide variety of units were on players disposal and every game had different outcome. 

Rise of Legends was a very imaginative RTS game that had everything going for it and if you guys missed this one I would strongly suggest that you try it.


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