Gaming Retrospective - Septerra Core

Septerra Core is one the most interesting RPG's ever created. Game was released back in 1999 and was developed by long gone Valkyrie Studios. Septerra Core had one of the most memorable story, characters, combat mechanics and very imaginative worlds I ever got the chance to immerse myself into. World of Septerra Core is like no other, the planet is hollow and comprised of 7 layers or shells, every shell has it's own specific environments, civilizations and history. Some shells are more developed than others and each and every one has an interesting story for players to explore. Game's main character is Maya, a junker from shell 2 that is trying to survive from scraps discarded from more advanced shell. Maya will have to explore every shell and gather pretty interesting and diverse party in order to beat the bad guy who is trying to reach the core that unlocks tremendous power of destruction.

Prerendered backgrounds from this game look great even today, just remember this is a game from 1999 and it looks perfectly playable. Game had world map and many locations you could explore, there are even some point and click adventure game elements to it. Septerra core had turn based combat system with a twist, there was an active time system with three breaking points, time will fill the bars of characters and every breaking point will produce a stronger attack. There are so many combinations and combo moves you can  do with this system. You can also use special cards and summon massive creatures that remind me of Final Fantasy ones.  If you like unique worlds with great immersion   you should check this game out.


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