Gaming Retrospective - Submarine Titans

During the time of greatest Starcraft popularity this game sneaked by and surprised many. Submarine Titans is a RTS game released in a year 2000 and it is played in the depths of the Earth's oceans. Game is set in the 22nd century where Earth got struck by huge comet making life on earth inhospitable and humans needed to build under water civilization to survive, comet also brought the intelligent alien life on a mission to retake the earth for themselves.

There are three unique factions in this game: White Sharks, Black Octopi, Alien Silicons. Every faction has it's unique skill tree and resource system. Detailed RTS base building and tense under water battles made this clone of Starcraft quite fun to me at the time. It is not by any chance a great game that will forever be remembered, but for the fans of old school RTS games, it is a game worth remembering.


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