Gaming Retrospective - System Shock 2

System Shock 2, as most of the gamers from the 90's era know is one of the best RPG's of all time. For some younger generations this is a game worth exploring and immerse yourself into if you don't mind older graphics style. Cyberpunk is present in every corner of this game with hacking, robotics, space, cyber enhancements and main villain of the game, popular murderous AI named Shodan. She will make your blood ice up at times during exploration of derelict ship you found yourself in to. Crew of the ship is mostly dead and the remnants are zombified creatures that will hunt you down at the moment they see you.

Your goal as a survivor and enhanced human is to survive the inhospitable ship and figure out what is Shodan planing to do and why did she became like that. Every great RPG has many tools players can use to beat the game. In System Shock 2 you can be almost anything imaginable and replayability is a strong feature of this game. You can become a stealthy hacker, rambo with big guns, or you can use many psionic abilities like temporal manipulation and cryospells. Horror atmosphere is another strong aspect of the game and whenever you're being chased by something monstruous futuristic music will start playing adding to the immersion. System Shock 2 is a game like no other, I strongly urge you to check it out. 


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