King's Bounty Games

King's Bounty game franchise started 26 years ago all the way back in 1991 when the first game was released. It is one of the first turn based strategy games, just imagine how Heroes of Might and Magic would look in 1991, you would get something like this.

After the first game there was a big gap of 18 years without King's Bounty games, then in 2008 new developers bought the franchise and jump started it. Battles are played just like in Heroes games in turn based combat, while adventuring part of the game is played in real time, meaning there are no turns in world map where you can just run around and explore the land with your hero. After the first successful reboot three more King's Bounty games were released and check it out right here on Steemit why would those games be compelling for any fan of Heroes games.

King's Bounty: The Legend

In 2008. when this game was released I didn't know much about this series, but I gave it a shot. Good thing that I did because this game ended up being great. Environments and graphics were good for the eye and gameplay was immersive and addictive. You would just want to go further to see what will happen next and what new creature you could recruit for your army. In Heroes of Might and Magic manner our hero Bill Gilbert can be a Mage, Warrior or Paladin and can use spell book and find powerful artifacts. Among those artifacts is a Casket of Rage, a powerful artifact that can generate Rage in battles and with enough rage points he can summon Spirits of Rage and use them as a powerful ability in tough battles. 

King's Bounty: Armored Princess

Shortly after The Legend Armored Princess was released in 2009. Story moved forward 10 years from the first game and now we play as a warrior princess trying to save the kingdom from demon invasion. Her new speciality instead of Rage Spirits is a baby dragon that grows in power as the game progresses, dragon also uses Rage points that generate during battles. In Armored Princes many new monsters and factions are playable each with their own units and abilities. An expansion for Armored Princess called Crossroads added more quests and new units. This is rich and detailed game that can last you for weeks.

King's Bounty: Warriors of the North

Another Installment from King's Bounty came in 2012 and this time we play as a Viking named Olaf. Generation after Bill Gilber adventures in this singleplayer game our hero Olaf will fight against new threat in the world of Endora, the Undead. First game had Rage Spirits, second had a Dragon, this time Olaf will use the power of the Valkyries. Five different Valkyries can be summoned and leveled. New faction of Vikings is added to the game and new Rune magic. All that will fuel another run in this great series.

King's Bounty: Dark Side

Last in the series was released in 2014 and in this game we can play from monsters perspective. It is a series that never took itself too seriously, so why not make a new game where we can play as monsters. Vampire, Orc and Demon classes just minding their own buisness got attacked by the Dwarves and after that they decided to go out in the world and destroy the light. All three characters have their own backstories and it is an interesting take on the series. When you combine all modern King's Bounty games you can literally play this series for the whole year and you would not need anything else, check it out if you haven't. 


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