Mass Effect Games

Before Mass Effect games Bioware was known for their fantasy RPG's and later for Knights of the Old Republic. Mass Effect series truly is one of their best and any fan of Star Wars, Start Trek or any other SF universe should check this series. In all three games we play commander Shepard, human with a job to be Earths ambassador and protector, his crew of many different interesting alien companions will help him explore our galaxy with advanced space ship Normandy. Without too many spoilers exploring is the goal of every Mass Effect game, explore, learn about the universe and many alien species and try to stop the great evil that is threatening all life in the galaxy. Tough job but someone's gotta do it. 

Mass Effect

This is a well received introduction to Mass Effect universe. After many years we got brand new RPG SF game where we explore planets of Milky Way Galaxy with our spaceship Normandy. Game is played from 3rd person perspective and with heavy use of covers Shepard would win battles, level up and meat up against stronger enemies. 1st game set the stage for more dangerous enemy every race in the galaxy would face. Decisions we made in this game would carry to the next one and that is also one of the great features of Mass Effect games. 

Mass Effect 2

First game introduced us to Mass Effect universe, in this one things got serious because we had to fight the big ones. Shepard got more advanced Normandy and had to form strong crew to figure out who is helping the Reapers and who are the Collectors, an insectoid race that is attacking human colonies. We had some new interesting companions to take into battles and paragon system depending our choices would make Shepard look like Sith Lord, interesting addition to the game. All I can say is that Mass Effect 2 is one of the best games that came out in last 6 years. 

Mass Effect 3

In 3rd game Commander Shepard finds himself/herself in a need of saving everyone in the galaxy, because the Reapers are coming to purge everyone for reasons that I don't want to spoil for anyone. I do think though that most of the people interested in gaming know the plot of the game by now. Mass 3 did many great thing to conclude the story about Reapers and Commander Shepard, ending was unfinished though and left many disappointed gamers. What is next for Mass Effect series we will find out in a few months when Mass Effect Andromeda comes out. Different galaxy, different aliens, it might be interesting.


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