Metro Games

Metro is a postapocalyptic survival First Person Shooter series. Main features of this game series are great immersion and scavenging elements where our hero named Artyom will have to find rare ammo and gas masks to survive the harsh environment. Game's story is based on Dmitry Glukhovsky's book about postapocalyptic Moscow after a nuclear war that forced humanity to hide inside metro tunnels. Metro series is also known for it's excellent graphics and horror elements so strap up and prepare to be scared.

Metro 2033

First game was released in 2010 and received great reviews because of it's excellent postapocalyptic story and immersion. People seem to like postapocalyptic russian games, feat that was given for great Stalker game series that is very similar to Metro series. Players take on the role of Artyom, a Ranger living in metro tunnels of Moscow. Some signs of strange creatures started to appear and he was sent to investigate so called Dark Ones and dodge many dangerous factions that were living and fighting among themselves underground. Players will need to scrap anything they can find and use old weaponry that tends to break a lot. Stealth mechanics are also present where it is easier to go remove enemies one by one instead go all in with gunz ablazin.

Metro Last Light

Second game was released in 2013. and still is one of the best looking games ever created. Story is a continuation from the first game where our hero Artyom is continuing the quest to find out more about the Dark Ones and avoiding many dangers along the way in shape of mutated beasts capable of extreme violence. Last Light has the same game mechanics as the first game with low amount of ammo, you had to scavenge and use stealth tactics to survive and use breathing masks that had timers when you go outside of metro tunnels. Another nice new features in this game are more open world areas we can explore and the game is not as linear as the first game. I would highly recommend this series to any fan of postapocalyptic games with interesting story and great combat mechanics, good hardware is required though, so be prepared. 


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