Portal Games

Portal is a puzzle game that started as a small game in Half Life 2 Orange Box. It didn't take to long before Portal started to become popular and with the second game became one of the best games ever. It is all about that good old portal gun that creates portals that can reach places you couldn't reach before. It is a simple concept but wait until you try it out in many different brain melting levels. Music, graphics and level design is spectacular in Portal games. 


Developed and published by Valve in 2007 when they used to make games and when their gaming platform Steam was just starting, steam today is something of a gaming juggernaut and Valve is not focused on producing games no more, which is a shame because they did create some of the best games ever with Half Life and Portal series. First Portal was just a short game with an excellent First Person Shooter idea where you don't shoot people, instead you shoot portals that will help you complete the puzzle maps that AI Glados will throw at you. You play as Chell and you are tested by Glados in many levels that you need to complete and you were promised a cake if you do. The cake is a lie. 

Portal 2


One of the best games of 2011 and probably of all times is Portal 2. Unlike the first game Portal 2 was feature full standalone many times larger than the first prototype game. Again we play as Chell and were joined by floating robot ball named Wheatley (that was funny enough voiced by Stephen Merchant) in a dark humor story praised by many. Many new tools are on our disposal like tractor beams, laser redirection, bridges made of light and paint like gels increasing the speed, allowing us to jump higher or place portals on any surface, you can imagine how all that can be implemented in so many imaginative levels. All those elements are what makes Portal 2 so special.   


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