Quake Games

Quake is a Science Fiction First Person Shooter series set on a planet Stoggos. Stroggs are living and breathing alien Terminators set to destroy any human that steps on their domain. Also they tried to invade our planet, so our Quake version of Space Marines must stop them. Quake games were always more mutiplayer focused and every game has that fast action with futuristic weaponry as a main feature. Very fun FPS series worth checking out.


First Quake game had completely different theme than the rest of the games from Quake series. First game was focused on more medieval techno fantasy theme with some elements of supernatural Lovecraftian theme, original Quake was a nice cocktail of themes. This was one of the first FPS released on PC  back in 1996. Who knew at the time that this series will go places.

Quake 2

Second game came out in 1997 on many platforms, one of the first multi platformed games ported from PC. This time story takes us on a planet Stroggos with a team of Marines as a counterattack from Stroggs alien invasion. Single player is filled with a varieties of brutal Strogg robots that you had to dispatch. Mutiplayer in Quake 2 was also excellent and one of the most played ones for many generations of gamers.

Quake 3 Arena

This was full on multiplayer game released as a direct competitor to Unreal Tournament. Both games were played by many. Quake 3 Arena mutiplayer fights were very fast jumping from platforms and shooting enemies mid air with the Rail Gun. One of those games that was so satisfying to master in mutiplayer games and dominate.

Quake 4

Fourth installment of Quake series returned to single player campaign. Game features one of the most brutal gaming scenes ever when our character gets "stroggified", with his limbs cut off and replaced by robot parts. Our hero then continues the game as a pimped up half man half strogg set to destroy the aliens for good. 

Quake Wars

Quake is a series of different games where you can say that only Quake 2 and 4 were story connected. Quake Wars is a team based shooter with 2 factions, Human and Stroggs, each having their own different arsenals, vehicles and classes. Again it is a full on multiplayer game with no singleplayer campaign. Great team game overall.


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