Retro - Old PC Games

After all the console gaming it was time to get on to something more serious. Big and clunky good old PC with bucket like monitor and old mouse. Kids today will never know the joy of rolling the ball from the mouse around like we used to. My first PC had 266Mhz, 16Mb of Ram, integrated graphic card that I upgraded for Voodoo 3, Hard Disk had 2Gb and OS was Windows 95. Fucking machine! That was some serious hardware back in 1998. All that so I could run some great evergreen games that I will mention soon. 

Command&Conquer Red Alert

Who can forget this game. Building a base was so satisfying in Command&Conquer games, user interface was always great fun in any of C&C games. In this one we had two factions in alternate timeline, Soviet and Allies with some advanced tech from time to time like Tesla turrets or Iron Curtain special ability. Action was fast and I think that game started using term Tank Rush. 


This was my favorite game for many years. I played so many multiplayer games with my friends in gaming clubs and after that would come home and play the single player campaign. 3 different SF races captured my imagination for many years to come, and today Starcraft 2 is among my most played games.

Septerra Core

This was great looking had drawn turn based RPG game with point and click adventure elements, deep world filled with unknown and a lot of interesting characters. World of Septerra Core had 7 layers or husks, each one with different look and culture where you would spend time adventuring and gathering new companions, weapons and upgrades.


This game must be mentioned again and again. Diablo jump started the whole new genre called Action Role Playing Games or ARPG. Dark atmosphere and music, mixed with environmental sounds was immersive as no game before. There is something about that loot finding and endless grinding that makes Diablo the best ever.

Half Life

Got to mention this First Person Shooter that started an avalanche of great mods that ended up being most played Esports today like Counter Strike GO. Half Life also had an amazing single player campaign and great and addictive multiplayer. 


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