Retro - Playstation Games

After Gameboy and Super Nintendo it was the time for something more advanced. Behold Playstation, a SF looking CD spinning machine that could run those sweet sweet new GAIMZ. It had vibrating controllers with more buttons and mushroom aiming. Mind blown, so future! My friend and steemer @alktoni was more of the playstation player and he could probably talk about playstation games one day. I never played Metal Gear games or some other playstation classics, but here are some of the games I played and had great fun with.

Crash Bandicoot 3

Good old Crash Bandicoot jumping over obstacles or running from big boulders in the jungle just like Indiana Jones, while destroying crates and collecting apples for better score. What's not to like.

Crash Team Racing

This was a great multiplayer kart racing game. You can play as many characters on different and colorful tracks. There were even some powerups for that extra win chance, take the power up and launch missiles or take short invulnerability for the win. Fun times.

Tekken 3

 This was the best fighting game on playstation. Realistic characters and realistic combat with some SF exceptions, in this game throws did matter and you could change fighting stances to get the upper hand on your opponent. 

Quake 2

Stroggs from Quake series might be the darkest vision of cyborgs in any game ever, each stronger than the other with more Hp and bigger firepower. You needed to balance the weapons and survivability, also quick reflexes would help. One of the best multiplayer games on playstation.


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