Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Games

In spirit of recently released Rogue One, very mature Star Wars movie that I very much liked, it seemed like the good idea to write about great Knights of the Old Republic series. These games take us back in Star Wars history 4000 years where galactic Republic was young and Sith Empire was large and powerful. There is an abundance of interesting new characters in this series and each and every one of them is nicely written. It is a Star Wars universe after all. KotOR is an RPG series were players gather crew members and explore the galaxy in older version of Millennium Falcon spaceship called Ebon Hawk. There are many Sith and Jedi elements in KotOR games which makes them very interesting to play. Check this series if you are a fan of Star Wars.

Knights of the Old Republic

First game starts on planet Taris that is under Sith occupation where our character starts his epic journey to be a Jedi or a Sith. This game had it all, great story worthy of Star Wars name, fun and addictive leveling and RPG mechanics, great crew members with their own agendas. There are few planets to explore ranging from good old Tatooine to Wookie planet Kashyyyk and water planet Manaan. Every one of those planets had great separate stories where our character would solve problems and learn about his past and what he truly is. And who he is is probably known by anyone by now, but still I won't spoil. Great game for multiple playtroughs. There are some really epic sorylines like those of Mandalorians and many more other ones, everyone will remember good old HK47 assassination droid and old coot Grey Jedi Jolee Bindo.  

Knights of the Old Republic 2

Second game is darker in tone with our main character who is exiled from the force will try to stop multiple Sith Lords from becoming galaxy menace. This time our ship crew members had something really special going for them, depending what your choices were through out the game they would become force sensitives and their appearance and skills would change, they could essentially become your apprentices if you developed good influence with them. That opened so many options for multiple playtroughs again. There are some heavy conversations and philosophical discussions with one of my favorite characters ever created, Kreia. This game series is truly one of the best ones and I would highly recommend it to everyone. May the force be with you. 


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