Supreme Commander Games

Supreme Commander is a spiritual successor to Total Annihilation, RTS game from 1997. that was very popular at the time. People say It is a spiritual successor because of the similarities in gameplay like massive army fights, gigantic units and resource management system. Most interesting features about this series are visually stunning battles and complex resource management system where you need to balance power and mass consumption. This series is must play for any fan of RTS games.

Supreme Commander

Somewhere in the year 2005. when first trailers of this game were released people got hyped right away with the promise of Total Annihilation gameplay with advanced graphics, and when this game got released in 2007. it was a huge success. It is a story about three factions, United Earth Federation, Cybran Nation and Aeon Illuminate because of their differences found themselves in all out galactic war. In the game's campaign mode you can play from any of these three factions perspective. 

Gameplay is where this game shines the brightest with focus on expanding, gathering resources, upgrading, advancing tiers and managing all that while fighting on sea, air and ground. You start with small tanks and during late game you will be using huge machines of destruction. Every faction has three Experimental titan units that can solo win you battles when you build them. It is not easy to get them, but once you do get them you will have a big smile on your face when you see them in action, what this game is all about.

Forged Alliance

Just like any RTS expansion, Forge Alliance introduced new faction, story and new units for old factions. New alien race called Seraphim Joined the fray and old enemies needed to join forces to beat this dangerous new race with advanced technology capable of total annihilation. There is a mod out there that I've just find out about during the research of this article called Total Mayhem. It looks like I'm reinstalling the Forged Alliance today to try it out, scope of new things it adds is insane.


Supreme Commander 2

Second game was released in 2010. and it did good in almost every aspect. Few years advanced graphics can do wonders for games these days and Supreme Commander 2 is no different. Old alliances got broken as the new president of the alliance got assassinated. Story mode will get you through the learning process of the new game that hasn't changed much. Personally I like original Supreme Commander more for old Total Annihilation feel to it. Again games are won by killing Armored Command Unit or ACU. ACU or your commander units in this game can get upgraded to be one man army, but without support it can end badly for you very fast. Some new experimental units are spectacular and this game is worth it just to see them in action. 


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