The Best Cyberpunk Games

Don't you guys love Cyberpunk, everything about the meaning of that word is cool. Just saying Cyberpunk gets my man juices flowing. Be prepared, I will say Cyberpunk many times in this blog. Cryptocurrencies remind me of Cyberpunk, that's why i love cryptos so much. They remind me of some Ghost in the Shell the future is now kind of deals. Cyberpunk games, steampunk and postapocalyptic games are my favorite genres, but Cyberpunk takes the cake. Here are some of the best Cyberpunk games out there.

Deus Ex

This game is placed in not too distant future with augmentation politics and Illuminati working from the shadows where our hero  JC Denton, an augmented agent operates. Gameplay was great with lots of augmentations to chose from, you can choose stealth approach or guns blazing. Deus Ex games gives players that choice in great cyberpunk world, and that is why this is my number one cyberpunk game, and also Role playing game at it's best.  

System Shock 2

Shodan says Hi. Exploring and hacking through a massive space ship and being chased by murderous AI Shodan makes this game the one to remember. You will find dead crew allover the ship and you will try to stop that rampaging AI. Heavy Cyberpunk elements and great role playing made System Shock a game to remember. 

Shadowrun Returns

Imagine cyberpunk future with orks, elves, trolls, dwarfs and all sorts of magical creatures living in a big fantasy cyberpunk world. After Shadowrun Returns we had 2 standalone games after that, Shadowrun: Dragonfall and Shadowrun: Hong Kong. All great games and i would recommend them to any cyberpunk fan.

Blade Runner 

You could say that Blade Runner movie started it all, in 1997 point and click adventure came out that was very popular and to this played. 2019 is closing in, but I think it will be way different than this piece of fiction. However Blade Runner is the best cyberpunk games can offer. Cyberpunk in this game was top notch.

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