The Best Fantasy Games pt.4

There is no game like Fantasy game, when you want to explore mystical new worlds and see magical creatures in action, casting spells at foes and finding that great artifact staff that gives you +10 to intelligence, fantasy game is a place for you my fellow steemit gamer. At the beginning of the genre there were just blocks of pixels moving around and most of the things were left for our imagination, but today we can see many vibrant and alive worlds due to GPU's that can power up a city. This list has the potential to be huge considering how many fantasy games are out there so I will make this list a series. Here are another 5 great fantasy games.

Temple of Elemental Evil

Another Dungeons and Dragons fantasy game that was one of the hardest games I've ever played. Every battle was special and you had to adjust accordingly. It is amazing how this game still looks great after so many years have passed. One of the hidden gems that any fan of dungeons and dragons games must try.

Grim Dawn

One of the grimmest fantasy games around is Grim Dawn. In this world you take the roll of a human in ethereal possessed body. Ethereals are some kind of magical creatures from other realm that are trying to conquer the world. Not while you are around with you arsenal of weapons and skills. Fantasy game that you can play forever and never get bored.

Path of Exile

Path of exile is a Free to Play game and can be installed from Steam easily. This game is constantly updated and improved, this game has the largest skill wheel in any game ever. In this game also your skills come from the gems, so it is not your standard ARPG format. This system actually works and  for some people this is the best fantasy ARPG ever. Customization is limitless.

King's Bounty

If you like Heroes of Might and Magic clones  this is one of the best ones, explore big world and experience a great story, gain levels and build your army in Homm style. Battle is almost the same where you can cast spells and some of the heroes special moves like dragon attacks or rage moves. There are 4 expansions for this game and you can spend months playing them. 

Warlords Battlecry 3

RPG/RTS hybrid that was truly special, this game had the most playable races in any RTS ever, Battlecry had 16 races and you could level up a hero to lead that massive armies. Your hero had an inventory where he would find better loot and improve his skills and with levels he would have more spells to cast from his spell book that had 10 schools of magic. Fantasy gaming at it's best.


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