The Best Fantasy Games pt.6

There is no game like Fantasy game, when you want to explore mystical new worlds and see magical creatures in action, casting spells at foes and finding that great artifact boots that gives you +10 to speed, fantasy game is a place for you my fellow steemit gamer. At the beginning of the genre there were just blocks of pixels moving around and most of the things were left for our imagination, but today we can see many vibrant and alive worlds due to GPU's that can power up a city. This list has the potential to be huge considering how many fantasy games are out there so this list will be a series. Here are another 5 great fantasy games.


RTS MMO where you could purchase cards of different properties and summon them to fight in RTS environment. Massive Multiplayer fantasy game that I had much fun with. EA unfortunately shut down this game being like they are, if the game can't produce any money shut it down. Such a shame that this game didn't do better.

Dungeons and Dragons: Dragonshard

Game based on Dungeons and Dragons RPG mechanics translated into RTS game. For fans of both genres this game was like an unpolished gem. You could level up you troops underground and find artifacts to increase their stats, after that your job was to obliterate opponent's base. Nice little mix between two genres in a great setting. 

Sword Coast Legends

This game is more of an action based RPG in Dungeons and Dragons setting of Forgotten Realms, this game did not get many great reviews but for and Forgotten Realm game fan it was decent enough game after many years of not having any similar game to play in. Good game to check out when you don't know what to play.

Battle for Middle Earth 2

Expanded in every way from original, Battle for Middle Earth 2 had more of everything in a good way. It actually got a full package with another expansion Rise of the Witch King that would conclude playable factions to 7. Men of the West, Elves, Dwarfs, Goblins, Isengard and Mordor were the originals and Angmar was added in expansion. There is one faction for everyone and they were quite distinct from one another. One of my favorite RTS's.

Armies of Exigo

This game came few year after Warcraft 3 and offered similar gameplay with 3 races and underground mechanic. We needed something fresh after Warcraft 3 and this game mostly delivered with new races of Humans, Beasts and Fallen and improved graphics compared to Warcraft 3. Almost forgot about great this game, these lists are like trips down the memory lane. 


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