The Best Movies Based on Games

You've probably heard about infamous movie director Uwe Boll, he is mostly known for his horrible movies based on video games. However he is not the topic for today, today I'll talk about good movies based on video games. Let's be clear, this movies are not oscar worthy, there has never been a movie based on video games that could get an Oscar, it could probably get one for the special effects and that is it. However this type of movies can be a lot of fun if you are a fan of the game these movies are based on.  


Even though expectations for the movie were high and some people were disappointed, we still got a decent high budget movie. You can't put in the whole Warcraft universe and lore in one movie and expect greatness, but like I said the movie was decent enough. For sure if you want to look the whole genre of movies based on games objectively this one could be on top of any list.

Silent Hill

One of the great movies based on a horror game Silent Hill delivered on the promised. Movie had that spooky atmosphere that is present in Silent Hill games and actors delivered the movie for the audience quite nicely. Big guy with the "pyramid head" as i like to call him was scary as hell. 

Mortal Kombat

Movie based on popular fighting game was a fan favorite. Cristopher Lambert in a role of Raiden, the thunder God who helped our heroes fight in deadly Mortal Kombat tournament. Movie was literally filled with otherworldly fight scenes and who can forget that music track. Mortal Kombat!!!!

Resident Evil

Original Resident Evil movie was great but the sequels did not deliver and are mainly there for quick money grab. First movie was quite bloody and keept us in suspense of wtf is going on, gamers knew what is going on but I can imagine that for people who were unfamiliar with the Resident Evil games were quite taken by the movie. Decent fun, would watch again.

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