Top 10 Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games

As the title would suggest, this games are massive player based games where you play with thousands of players all over the world inside the same fictional world.

This is the genre of games where i haven't tapped their full potential but i still managed to pull the list of the ones I've played. There are Free to Play MMO's and subscription based MMO's. I don't like to play the subscription based ones even though I've tried some. There are quite a lot of Free to play MMO's on the market today and this is mostly free to play list. Here we go. 

1. Old Republic

Star Wars MMO with 2 different factions to choose from and 8 classes. Every class has it's separate story line and companions, ships etc, depends on which faction you choose.

This game has been through quite a lot and in it's 5 years of lifetime has improved in many ways. Free to play model is not that great but you can try out the game and see if you like it and maybe later subscribe for better experience. Lots of planets to explore and many other modes to play with like space battles and such.  Old Republic offers fully voiced story unlike any other MMO out there, light or dark side, your choices in this game actually matter.

2. Marvel Heroes 2016

This has to be one of my favorite games in last 3 years. It is a free to play action role playing game, there are 60 playable heroes from marvel universe that you can choose, there are tons of mods to play, even raids of 10 people. Fun and addictive game constantly improved and updated. Every character on this picture is playable.

3. Age of Conan

One of the most beautiful crafted MMO worlds is the Age of Conan in amazing fantasy world of Hyboria. For any Conan fan that liked the comics and movies this is a must play game.

It is not your standard button smashing game, it is a slow pace enjoy the ride kind of game. You can even meet king Conan and he will give you quests. Free to Play.


4. World of Warcraft

What can I say about the most popular MMO that hasn't been said before. Bli$$ard is stubborn and after 10 years you still have to subscribe to play. They introduced a token that you can buy but before that you need to subscribe and grind about 50k gold for one for you to buy yourself a game time. But nevermind that small rant, this is still one of the largest games ever with ever rejuvenating player base. True giant.

5. Wildstar

Science Fiction game based on planet Nexus where technologically advanced race Eldan mysteriously disappeared and left the planet filled with all sort of treasures and tech. You are one of the treasure hunters coming to the planet to explore it or exploit it based on the faction you chose on the start of the game. Action packed and quite colorful MMO. Free to Play.

6. Neverwinter

This MMO is based on popular Neverwinter RPG franchise. One of the more action orientated MMO's where players can actually create their own custom dungeons and let other players explore them. You can check this game on Steam for free.

7. Defiance

This MMO is based on popular TV Show Defiance. Or is it that the TV Show is based on popular MMO Defiance, you tell me. MMO is still alive and the show is not so i guess it is TV Show based on the MMO. Game is based in Futuristic Earth Teraformed with alien tech with different alien species living among humans. Shooter based MMORPG with big world and big bosses. You can joy ride in vehicles with your group, one of my favorite features in the game.

8. Lord of the Rings Online

Everyone loves the Middle Earth so why not explore that world in this free to play MMO. Pick your race and create your class and go explore the lands with your pals. Be a Dwarf Warrior or a Hobbit Burglar, ride on different mounts and grind yourself to the top of the warriors list. 

9. Star Trek Online

Any science fiction world have it's MMO, so why not to include Start Trek. You can side with the Federation, the Klingon Empire or Romulan Republic, start walking on the planets and end up owning you own space ship. This game is also Free to Play so give it a shot if you are a fan of Star Trek universe.

10. Rift

This game is rich in fantasy and lore. There are world events that any player in the area can go explore and fight in. Decent class system and beautiful and lush environments makes this MMO one of the best ones out there.


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