There are thousands of games out there and they can't all be good. This top 10 list will focus on the bad apples that sucked big time. Sometimes devs don't care that much about our favorite franchises and they just want to make a quick buck, quite a lot of games franchises got ruined like that. Here we go.
1. Daikatana
Stories are still being written how bad this game was, tnx John Romero. When you play this game for 10 minutes you get the sudden urge to go outside and kill a bunch of amphibians cause you are killing robotic versions of them in the game. Level design was so bad and environments were so bland that my eyes still hurt when i remember them.
2. Sacred 3
Sacred games are one of my favorite ARPG games, first few games were in a big open world with interesting classes and story. In this latest Sacred 3 shitstain everything was dumbed down. Imagine 10 years older game was 10 time better than this. Franchise ruined by the lazy devs.
3. Duke Nukem Forever
Every older gamer knows Duke Nukem. This was Gearbox software failed attempt to revive our great hero of the old. Duke Nukem games were never boring, this one was so boring and trashy that i just played for few hours and uninstalled it. Such a shame.
4. Aliens: Colonial Marines
Gearbox Software got the rights to make Alien game, so take a great setting and ruin it by this buggy piece of turd sandwich. They were promising mountains and seas from this game, boy did they fail to deliver.
5. Mighty No. 9
Everyone loved Mega man games, this was a kickstarter project that was in the making way too long and end product was a disaster. I just couldn't play this, must be that it was a bad game.
6. Warhammer 40k: Space Hulk
As a big fan of Warhammer 40k i expected better from this game. It is based on a very old board game Space Hulk that i never played but it is based on warhammer 40k so it must be good. NO it wasn't! Play slow in small corridors where genestealers attack you and you must defend. So bad.
7. A Game Of Thrones Genesis
This strategy game was so bad, only thing good about it was the title. Game was bland and boring without no charm at all. Clear money taking scheme from the makers of this terrible game.
8. No Man's Sky
Boy oh boy, how this game failed to deliver it is insane. Devs promised us a big interesting universe to explore, well, final product was bland and boring, uninspired piece of software. Nothing to do other than gathering crafting materials, empty universe that was so boring that i uninstalled after 3rd planet. Just look at this 30 second video and you will see what i mean.
9. C&C 4: Tiberian Twilight
How to ruin one of the best franchises ever made, just take a look at this game. EA changed the winning formula in this one, from base building to mobile bases with must have online connection where you fight other players in a very boring combat. Did Command & Conquer deserve this game.. Hell NO!
10. Strongold 3
One of my favorite strategy games got ruined by this sequel. First few games were great, build your castle slowly and defend agains invaders. This game was buggy, with worse graphic than the first few games.