🎮Pyre🎮 Review and Full Walkthrough

Supergiant Gamers makers of Bastion and Transistor have released another game unique in its elements. The game is Pyre. It is an action/sports game with RPG element. It is a breathtaking looking game that is unlike any other.

On Pyre, you are a literate exile who three other exiles look up to for guidance. They call you the Reader. You go through the story by clicking to what seems to be hyperlinks. You face up against enemy teams in a series of rites. The penalties for losing a rite are very loose.

The rites are quite strategy like in nature. You can control any of three characters when playing a rite. The catch is that only one character can be controlled at once. The other characters you are not controlling will be unmovable. This isn’t like soccer or handball where all the characters are moving at once. You try to extinguish the enemy’s fire with your orb. Different characters have different hit points. Each character has their own unique gameplay characteristic. One of your characters is slow but has a heavy damage point. Another character is fast but his damage is low. There isn’t much punishment for losing a rite. Your journey will continue no matter what. But when you win, one of your exiles gains freedom.


The RPG elements of the game involve you tweaking the various abilities of each character to your benefit.

Sadly, you can’t explore the game world. You get a map where you see various locations in the game. You then select a point and your wagon moves there. It will have been more interesting to see more of the places on the map.

pyre characters.png

The story is rich and interesting. The dialogue is cool and you get immersed in the game’s story regardless of its sporting elements. It also has a wonderful mix of interesting characters. You’ll have to make choices between freeing your own exiles or allowing other exiles to gain their much-deserved freedom. Sadly, towards the ending, it begins to feel too prolonged. There have been complaints about this in other games from Supergiant. But the ending is rewarding and makes the game worth playing. Apart from the story mode, you can play the rites with a friend locally or play against the computer. There is no online gameplay option.

Bottom Line

Pyre is an enjoyable game. The game is quite repetitive but you will have fun playing through it. It will also impose some difficult moral choices on you. Some players might not be patient with it, but if you can get past the first few moments, you will be rewarded with an intense, enjoyable game.


  • Nice ending
  • Nice gameplay mechanics
  • Good music


  • The story drags on for long time
  • There is no online multiplayer

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