Conquest of Earth - A Boardgame idea

The Conquest of Earth Boardgame

This idea came to me while I was looking at War of the Worlds games for an unrelated project.

So, the idea is for a boardgame in which each player plays a separate alien species who is part of an alliance to conquer th Earth. Not only do they want to conquer the Earth, but each species wants to control the largest amount of territory. The game ends when the conquerors have managed to take over the world, and whomever controls the most territory is declared the winner.

The main tension in the game comes from the human opposition. This is simulated by the game itself, with no one player playing the humans directly (something similar can be seen in Shadows Over Camelot and Pandemic).

So, victory over the humans should be challenging if the players actually work together, but during the game they will be tempted to back-stab each other so that they can achieve victory, which will make the game more difficult. I am not sure of the central mechanics of the game, but it will most likely involve some sort of cards, so that there will always be doubt as to an attack was intentional, or just an accident due to the hand the player is holding.

I envisage a large board, with a map of the world, divided into countries, with miniatures representing the alien and human forces.

I honestly think that this concept will work well. Has anybody else encountered similar mechanics in boardgames?


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