Aram-Arama Review League of Legends


Hi guys and welcome to another beautiful day, well this been on the top of my to do list for some days now, just didn’t find the drive to type it out, well here it is and I do hope you enjoy it.

So guys, last week 22 of August 2018, league of legends did an event called Aram-Arama and it was limited to the eu server, guess I was one of the lucky one to play via that server.

Although it’s not been the best of fun, as many users I actually thought I would play alongside with, plays on the NA server but due to ping issue, I decided to go for the eu west server, most games I played before now, tends to give me a better ping server from eu and least ping from Asia, hence the reason I decided to download the eu server of league of legends, although the option to try out other servers still available but have leveled up a little and starting from level 1 is no fun xd.

League of legends is no new game and if you yet to play it, well its still not too late to jump into the train, actually joined not too long ago and am telling you, its really addictive, you want to level up as fast as possible, get to play on rank matches and when you think the fun ends there, you start getting champion shards which require half the initial payment of a champion to unlock him permanently and don’t get me started with the skins godly, you can literally change the outcome of a battle with a player skin, a skin can change you weapon and ability look, make it somewhat undetectable and opposite unaware of it, giving you an advantage towards the battle.

From the brief comic drawings shown, Aram-Aram event was actually been heard on a deserted location far from lands, and it was later found by our very own Caitlyn, Zoe and GangPlank, a mistake gone good, they were driving through a deserted location, blind and unwilling to look at the GPS for navigation, gangplank said it was cowardly xd, but guess who got loss.

Heard the desert was extremely cold at night and hot during the day, well I heard and yet to confirm how valid this is, but from the drawings shown, it says so and after hitting a sign, we only got to see the coldness when our champs got down from the vehicle. Minutes later, a mistake made by Zoe lead them to a party which I think they wouldn’t forget for a long time to come and me as well.

Not very often you get to boost your account progress without paying for it, yea paying for it. We have seen most games offer xp booster, which gives players greater chance of leveling up faster than your regular non-paying gamer and I must say it’s usually no fun, when you rather play the right way than pay to win.

Call it whichever way you want, rich gamer or poor gamer but the fun you get when leveling up from a previous level to a new level can’t be compared with anything, the excitement of what awaits you next and the type of box you will get makes it all the more fun, but getting an xp booster is still fun but then if you had the money to purchase a booster, chances are you still have the money to purchase champions as well. Hence, I think the fun would probably be cut short and your expectations not so much.

Aram-Arama was actually gotten from a map name called Aram, still a newbie to league of legends doesn’t mean you won’t understand or know the names of some of the basic things, Aram is a map just like every other maps you can find via league of legends, it comes with its own advantage ad disadvantage as well and it’s always fun to play with a party or with other random users.

Unlike other maps available via league of legends, Aram is a little special, as champion selection is done randomly, you have no control of the champion you are given from my knowledge of the game so far, although you are sometimes presented with the ability to swap to another champion, like I said sometimes, this can be done with dice which are limited to two every time, when exhausted takes some time to respawn on your account and if not available, you rather stick with the champion selected for you or swap with another player if, that’s if they agree with the trade but it’s usually rare getting players to agree, unless they probably good with the camp you trading with or they just want to help out.

The map is a straight line, if you played other league of legends map before now, you probably understand when I say straight, no need for bot bottom, top, mid, jgl and adc or support what do you know am getting familiar with some of these terms sweet xd, its 5 vs 5 match, were each users start from their base and fight their way to the enemy destroying the opposite team turret while defending theirs as they advance forward, not an easy task I must say, and to make it more interesting, your hp don’t return when you go back to base, and calling back via the button B don’t work here, get as much damage as possible before getting killed or not, remember the last punch gets the kill.


Items can’t be bought anymore when you leave the base home, unless you get killed and re-spawn again, starting the match takes 5, 6 seconds to re-spawn a champion and as you progress the re-spawn time gets longer giving you or opposite team to advance forward faster.

The map is really fun to play in and not knowing which champ you will get to play with next makes it all the more fun.

Aram-Arama Event.

Like I earlier said, it started last week and some of the available task are

  • Win two matches in Aram map

  • Get 10 kills or assist

  • Feed poro

  • Destroy turrets and so many others,

Each of this task came with its own reward and one thing they all had in common was xp, experience point, each task are given +100 or 150 xp and when you complete any of the assigned task, you tend to advance forward a little more than your usual pace, some came with diamonds as well, which can be used in purchasing champs and the best of all was the box and a hextech key which was given upon completing all task, yea I completed all task xd.

Hextech key and box

Hextech Crafting is a gameplay reward system implemented by Riot Games Inc. for League of Legends. The reward system is directly tied with Champion Mastery. It was released on the PBE on January 13, 2016.Source

The reward can be gotten upon mastery a owned champion to S rank, but then you had to get 13 kills or more in a single match, but on rare occasions like the event Aram-Arama, it was given to players upon completing of all task available.

The task, some were hard to complete and others not so much, actually had to google some of this task to see what they meant and are to achieve them, one of the benefit of the internet I guess, nothing is new and someone probably asked your question some while/ time back.


Others I had to think of are, even though I read about them online, but still they were kind of hard to understand, example of such task was feed poro, this is a pet like creature which can be found on the aram map, most times they tend to come close to you with the hope of them getting fed, and can give out your location if you probably hiding in a bush, the task was to feed poro twice, which I later found out probably by luck, I had always saw an icon, thought it was an ability, but couldn’t be clicked unless when close to this creature, yea totally by mistake xd.

During this event, free champion rotation was widen and your initially amount of champ given to you was widen but then it was limited to the Aram map, meaning this champs while unlocked was not available for use on any other map than Aram.

Like I earlier said about the Aram map of getting the ability to swap to another champ, the re-roll option was made 2x faster during the event and you could get another re-roll instantly after completing each aram match, making it more fun to play and you know what they say, second time is the charm.

And yes discount, during such events, not just league of legends. The most noticeable feature of any event hosted by a game was/is discounted price on champions, skins and what have you, league of legends no difference and half or more was cut down from their initial price tag of champions and other collectables, although it was limited to riot points, these are points used in purchasing champions and other ingame equipment’s, unlike the diamonds they can’t be claimed via ingame but bought via your credit cards, as usual one of the many ways the gaming industry generates their funds.

The events was fun filled while it lasted and I did learn new things via the event, fell in love with new champs I never knew existed and also was able to unlock and bought new skins/champs.

Wish they had a similar event every week to boost xp and what have you xd but then the game wouldn’t take long to complete anymore and the competition wouldn’t be there that much.

If the event was to take place on any other server coming days, the need to download additional server would come in then and I probably might have to start from level zero on another server then, or is that not the case?

Well am still new, you could leave a comment behind if it is or not.

Thanks for dropping by and do have a lovely day/week ahead.



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