The First Game That I Never Made

As I've mentioned before, games happen to be a passion of mine.

Since about as early in life as I could read and write, I've been fascinated by them - as well as their design. Such has not for the most part been a successful endeavor.

I found myself cycling between various programming languages in the hope of finally having something 'workable' with which I could really let it all out. That never really happened. I've developed a mental block that seems to prevent me from learning new programming languages (and whenever I do drum up the courage I ram my head against C# and give up).


It is perhaps because of this failure that I've not delved too deeply into other areas - but now I'm courting excuses - so let me get right into this description. The first game that I've never made.

Well... it was a space game.

I wanted to design a game where players had a choice to set their own pace and difficulty in an open space that can be explored, and would generate differently with each game played.

The premise of the game is that the galaxy is under threat by a race that is not just native to another World but which is also native to another dimension.

Through scavenging following various skirmishes, and the hard work of a cooperative of scientists, the first interdimensional drives were developed - and this is provides the galexy a chance to fight back.

The object of the game is to secure various dimensional levels and, ultimately, the home dimension of the antagonist race.

To do this will require the establishment of inter-dimensional relations, logistic resupply points and technologies, and the military defeat of the antagonist race.

Well that was the premise of the game. The expected play time of a game would be that of anywhere between 6 and 48 hours.

The graphics would have been simple vectors - not pretty - and I remember messing around with the Pascal programming language to try and figure out designing a "3D engine".

Fail. Fail. Fail.

It is what it is.

If I were to list my inspirations for designing such a game then I'd cite Starglider 2 by Argonaut Software.

Oh... and just a fun fact...

For those here who might be interested or otherwise 'tickled' by it...

...the game also features whales... in... space!^_~

Of course, if I were to have gone for a Bitmap Brothers' Xenon 2 feel then I might have ended up with something not too unlike Dimension Drive by 2Awesome Studio - though they did an amazing job on the story and I doubt that I'd have gone in nearly the same direction.

Admittedly there wasn't much to those first designs. I lost heart and moved on - and am now slowly but surely coming to terms with my past setbacks.

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