Things Only Gamers Will Understand

Things Only Gamers Will Understand.


Hallo Steemers,

I my self have a passion for gaming and all thing's that are game related but today I will tell you some things that all gamers have done or experienced in there gaming adventure's.

1. Hearing Screaming Little Kids Online.

In almost every online game now a day you will come across a little kid that is trash-talking you, screaming death threats and saying things about your mom.


2. Going To Midnight Launches.

You have been waiting for month's searched the whole internet for every bit of information watched every gameplay video online, Hyped yourself up and now This is the moment. The time where you’ve been waiting for, coming in just a few minutes at midnight where you can finally pick the game up and play.

3. Doing Crazy Things To Fix Your Hardware/Games.

Instead of doing the thing that is right when our console/game refuses to work correctly and take it back to somewhere certified to make repairs, we instantly turn to the internet to solve our problems. Blowing in cartridges fixing our game's with toothpaste or something else we’ll try them all.


4. Completely Losing Track Of Time.

You’re pretty sure you’ve only been gaming for about half an hour but when you finally get yourself away from the screen it is already dinner time. happened to me a couple of times. it’s so easy as a gamer to find yourself missing out on so much of the day as time simply seems to vanish before your very eyes when you come out of a game.


5. Feeling The Need To Purchase Every Collector's Edition For No Reason.

We know that it’s just a collection of random stuff chucked in a box that somehow costs far more than usual, but that doesn’t mean we don’t want it! All those extra missions and in-game items that crazy overpriced statue of your favourite game character. I myself have spend to much on Collecters Editions XD

6. Being Stuck In The Character Creation.

Many players will stick with the default game appearance rather than spend hours perfecting the bridge of their character’s nose in a character creator, but for some, making a character is half the fun.

7. What Game To Play.

of what game to play can be somewhat of a challenge within itself. Many times I have found myself sitting staring at my collection and not having the slightest clue what I want to play. Because you have to many games in your steam library.


8. Leaning While Racing Or Playing A Shooter.

The inevitable lean that seems to naturally occur whenever a racing game is played on a console. The first two turns are usually fine but as the race goes on the leans get more and more intense, Or when peaking around a corner in a shooter game you will also lean to that side when your to focused on your game.


9. Rage Quitting.

“I f****** hate this game!” Five minutes later “Man, I love this game!”
We have all been there dying over and over at the same spot, Or playing with extremely bad teammates. All of these situations and many, many others have at one point or another caused us all to rage quit.


10. Thinking That The Harder You Mash The Buttons The Stronger Your Attack Will Be.

When you are in that intense boss fight you are close to beating the opponent but he still needs a couple more hits, you give it all and smash the attack buttons as hard as you can to win.


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