STEEMPUNK-NET - introductions and observations, by Lady P.

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Meet the Company's (beta) team players.

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Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your perspective), you cannot see me because I was the one behind the camera as the team posed for their history-making posterity shot. They are certainly an eclectic group. The Company had arranged for a team meeting to discuss some very important top-secret issues, which we have been told we cannot discuss with anyone. My apologies, but the fate of the world is quite a burden to bear, and talking battle strategies can in all honesty get quite technical.

I am about to head off back to Victorian England on the train, while the rest of the wayfaring team are ready to be transported into the future - possibly 2029, I believe - via the airship. I haven't been on board the Company's big, fat sky-balloon as I much prefer terra firma, but I hear it is pretty well kitted-out inside with all the latest in steampunk gadgetry; so this is how I always imagine the interior to look ...

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The Company does like to make sure it is leading the world in cutting-edge doodads. Steam-powered this, and clockwork that. Sometimes it can be difficult keeping up with how all this new technology works. Luckily for us, there are clever team members whose job it is to write manuals for us to learn from; while the more artistic among us volunteer to draw accompanying concepts, bringing great visions to life.

Here is a snapshot I took of my cousin last year, as she waited to board her train.

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We don't see each other often as she comes from the less fortunate side of the family tree, and so our parents visit each other infrequently. As you may notice, she didn't even have enough funds to purchase a full dress, but was left rather exposed in her half-outfit. My parents were mortified when they saw her, but she is a lovely girl nonetheless. More adventurous than I am, and so I suspect she would jump at the chance to ride in the company airship and explore the future. It is always lovely to see her, but I do also like having time to myself.

One of my favourite hobbies is exploring the city, especially inside old buildings. One such building has the most magnificent elevator; and when I showed pictures of it to the other team members they seemed to get very excited by this contraption. This is one of the photographs I showed them.

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Several members of the team became so obsessed with this device - how it worked, how it could be improved and so on - that the rest of us had to drag them into the nearest tavern for a spot of absinthe, in order to return their focus back onto Company matters.

Before I head off to my seat on the train and order a much-needed cup of tea, I wanted to show you a lovely gift my team mates surprised me with. I am told it is the latest in high-end technology produced in the Company workshop, and it should (so I have been assured) make writing up reports so much easier now. I cannot wait to get it home to try it out. Here it is ...

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Affectionately yours,
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