Flightgear Flight Simulator - Aircraft Developer

Hi Steemians!

Since 2 years I am developing aircrafts for an open source flight simulator:
www.flightgear.org Flightgear is free and runs on windows, linux and mac.

an12bk-0192e985.png Antonov 12BK,
an22a-0965cbbf.png Antonov 22A, Antonov 225-Mrija Tupolev 95MR, Tupolov 160-Blackjack Berejev-200,
mi6ps-005940a7.png Mil-Mi-6PS,
Iljushin 76 MD some vehicles, hot air ballons and a roziere ballon.

Searching a flight simulator for free and realistic in flight-dynamics I found this one and after a while I started to improve some things, ending up as developer with my own hangar.
Github repositories

How to make an aircraft in a short overview

  • Get the model from any free model page or taking an existing one from the 650 (!) in flightgear.
  • 3D modeling with blender, programming in nasal and xml
  • Researching everything about the aircraft on the net, saving pictures, manuals etc.
  • Moving the main surfaces (rudder, aileron, elevator, gears, flaps, slats, spoiler)
  • Making a lot of test flights and step by step improving the FDM (flight dymanics of model)
  • Getting more things animated: up to 180 instruments in the cockpit, switches, lamps, doors
  • Making it popular by anouncing it to the newsletter and in our world wide comunication tool Mumble, also getting tests done by other players.
  • Trying to fix each problem as soon as possible, so that the fun can start.
  • Making more animations like paratroopers, fuel trucks, payload loading and unloading
  • Asking others to make liveries and updating every step on git.

As it is open source we get nothing from it, just better aircrafts and a lot of fun by making flights together,
you may watch us here: Multiplayer Map
My callsign: HerbyW
If you want more details about any step let me know, and see you soon in our world of aviation.

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