Buffs! Traits! Oh my! ~ Sims 4

Hi everyone!

Our story of the Bolin family is continuing in an interesting manner so I wanted to share it with you all.

Last night Mamma, at the age of 111, passed away quietly in the middle of the night.

Spunkie Lady

I have to say the Sims 4 developers really do a great job. At the end I just let Mamma wander and do what she wanted. She made a lot of masterpiece painting in her last days and on the last day she, who always went for the piano, picked up the guitar and played for hours. It was fitting she did that I thought.

I knew it was coming so tried to have everyone in the house rested but with Skye pregnant with hopefully the new heiress and the 1st born son in a bassinet she was not getting a lot of sleep.

When someone close to the family passed they get a 2 day sadness buff which means there is lots of crying and in my game, lots of people running and doing nothing that you want them to!

I was trying to get everyone settled in again when the game decided to age up the 1st born to a toddler. I was very lucky this time and when they did age up there were not starving or overtired......yet.

My game then decided to start freezing up. No one in the house was taking care of the new toddler. When I would try and have anyone in the house feed him the prompt would not take! I tried logging out and back in but I think there were too many things all going on at the same time for the game to handle. It was frustrating, to say the least.

Oh! did I forget to say that the game decided to have Skye go into labor also? I then sent her to the Hospital to have the baby thinking I could have Red feed the toddler while she was gone. Yeah, Red went to the Hosptial too! Don't get me started!

On top of all that going on, the last born to Charlie and Earl decided to pick up the neat trait from the Butler and his brother in law. Which means when the toddler is throwing food all over the place he and the Butler were both having fits because of the smell in the house. I have to give Red credit here. He has the neat trait also but sucked it up and tried to do the best that he could.

The first thing I did was delete the Butler from the not of this world settings. One of the problems with the Butler is they don't age. I wish they did, but, they don't. So I deleted him. Yes, I feel a bit guilty doing that but too many neat freaks are too many!

I also aged up the youngest son to the adult stage and moved him into not played family. He is now saved to be played another day. By now, with all the game glitches, I was at my wit's end. It was time for the New Mom and Dad of the house to step it up and start taking care of their own Children!

The New Bulter then came to the house and I deleted her too. In the first few seconds she was in the house she got the flirt buff while talking to Red. I was like! not in my house and deleted her.

I needed a break! plus in the back of my mind was, what am I going to do with the erns.......

The thought then came to me to make a garden. It was a good thought. A relaxing thought. A thought I needed at that time!

Feeling more relaxed now that I had figured out what to do with the erns, I saved the game and decided to log back in to see what I would get this time with the new Butler. In walked an elder woman. I could live with that! I had Skye start talking to her and clicked on get to know her which will give you 1 of that person's 3 traits.


The newest Bulter is insane. I logged out.

Soooooooo the question becomes "can it get worse?" or do I just suck it up and let my family live with an insane women that does not age.


Happy Gaming!

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