The Day the Music died...Sims 4

Hello everyone!

I'm still under the weather which means I have been playing my Sims 4 game and wanted to share more of my Legacy Challange story with you.

First, we need to talk about treadmills and having babies. As you can see Mamma Charlie had 5 children, one girl, Skye and four boys. The last boy was a request by Pappa as he loved a noisy house!

Now, as in real life, Mamma had put on a few pounds from having five children. Plus painting all day and night so her family had room to grow from the sale of her paintings. I had also seen what happened to Pappa after he aged into the Elder category of life so I bought Mamma a treadmill and signed her up for her first job as an athlete and OMG!

I could not believe how much she had slimmed down. With her new job and at her age that was enough of a workout for her so before she wasted away to nothing I stopped her workouts and she still got her promotions. I also knew that she would be aging soon and then you can pick if you want your sim to retire which of course she did! but she was now in better shape to make it farther into the elder stage of life so I was happy how things were turning out.

The family had found its groove.

The only thing that was missing was the daughter needed to find a spouse so the third generation could begin. Skye was being very friendly with the Butler but I wasn't ready for her to start dating a stuffy guy yet. I tried sending her to clubs but all the guys she could find were.......let's say, not marriage material and leave it at that.

I then looked online at the rules to the challenge and decided to bend the rules a tad. I found an adult trait random generator and decided to use that, kind of......giggle

Red was born and added to the family! Oh, yes, I got rid of the cheesy mustache and fixed his hair! Yes, yes, I will get more daring in the future but for now neat was as much as I could deal with.

On to the sad part of the story.

Pappa died late last night. It was very sad but he was tired at 102 years of age. He was alone in the house napping while everyone else was by the pool. He just woke up and Death came to pay a visit.

Game-wise I think Sims did a good job. Everyone, after a death, gets 3 days off from school or work depending on their age. Before an Elder passes away they can talk to others in the house and pass on some of what they have learned in their time alive. Finding that out, Pappa talked to Red a lot about fixing things and music. Mamma has been talking to everyone about painting as I just got a notice that her time is short in the land of sims.

Personally, even though it's a game you get used to hearing them around the house. Pappa, when left on his own, would always go for his guitar. By the end, he could play some really great songs too! it was always worth stopping to listen when Pappa played. So after he passed and the family was mourning his death, I knew Mamma's time was short. I decided to get the house in order while I processed my first sim passing.

I finally got rid of all the concrete floors in the house and updated furniture in Skye's bedroom as she was married now and was the next in line to carry on the Family. I also tried to set up the nursery so I don't have to keep buying and replacing beds but if it's like anything else in the game the developers will have more then a few hitches for me to deal with!

From very humble beginnings these two Sims have come a long way together with me and have left a Legacy, in my mind, that the other 9 generations will be hard-pressed to keep.

The story will go on.

How it turns out will be anyone's guess.

Happy gaming!

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