The introduceyourself post

wellllllll........ I guess let's get the worst thing about me said first.

I'm a terrible writer and speller so if you are a grammar nut stop reading NOW because I WILL drive you insane.

The good things about me, to me, are:

  1. I do not lie.
  2. I do not believe in Yes and No answers.

Now that that is out of the way I can tell you why I'm here. It's all my son's @ecoinstant fault. He thinks I'm an interesting person and wants me to share my story about how it is to live life all of a sudden with fibromyalgia.

Everything changed 8 years ago. I suddenly got very sick and could not always make it into work which was very unlike me. Long story short, I lost my job, people thought I was lazy, crazy and just plain making things up.

5 years later I was finally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia which would lead a person to think life would get better...... but no. loll

Insert 2 years of trying all the "Wonder" Fibro drugs that just made me sicker and a tad insane........

Through all this, I have used gaming, Rift, World of Warcraft, Hearthstone to keep my mind active and keep boredom at bay when your body is so tired the thought of moving makes you want to cry and sometimes you do cry.

Okay, moving on to happier things!!!

My plan over the next weeks is to set up a twitch stream. I will be taking a brand new Hearthstone account and showing people how to play it.

The game has saved my sanity more times than I care to count! It's a game you can get very in-depth with or on very bad brain dead days you can just look at all your cards and see if you can make up a new interesting deck to play. You can play it for 2 hours or 5 minutes. The best part is if you have to stop it doesn't matter! All WIN! Win! in my world.

To say this is all going to be easy for me I would be telling a lie but I DO think this will be a good thing in the end.

I hope to make this journey interesting and fun. We all need to feel needed in this world we live in and I think I found something that I will be able to do and enjoy with the limits that life has now placed on me.

Thank You for taking the time to get to know me!

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