Building A New Ryzen 2 Gaming / Streaming PC - Part 4 - Let The Testing & Filming Begin!

Its been a long time coming, but I finally have all the parts for the new Streaming and Gaming PC!


Although I have all the parts for the new PC system, there are still a few key parts I need in order to finish the system 100%. now that the new Ryzen chips have been released, I managed to snap up a Ryzen 5 2600 CPU for a bargain. I had some issues with updating the Bios on the X370 Motherboard, but was easily solved. After buying the CPU, I had all the parts necessary to get the system up and running.

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Because a good friend of mine and @Deviras from Black Apple Studio got wind of this new build, so he grabbed his camera gear and he headed on over to take some snaps, B roll and to film some unboxing and testing on the new system.

For now, here are a few pictures of what was happening in the background. A full in-depth post and video will be posted up as soon as possible.


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Before you ask. Yes, that is a Hitman Barcode on the back of my head.

Thanks for reading.

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