Steemit Video Game Review Group

Hey fellow steemit game reviewers. I got an idea for some new posts but I need your guys help. I want to start a catalog for game reviews here on steemit. Part of my inspiration for this idea came from the awesome Best of Gaming Posts done by @gaming-trail.

There are so many awesome posts and its hard to get to all of them. My favorite posts to read are reviews and I try to check out every review each day. I used to love reading the reviews in game informer and I love watching game review videos. I just love the art of the review. Seeing different opinions and perspectives make you truly see how a game did everything right or where it went wrong.

So I want to start doing weekly posts where I include the best reviews of the week so its a nice concise catalog for people to read awesome reviews by the steemit community. Sort of like a gaming magazine but on steemit. What do you guys think? any ideas for a name? I wanted something cool and fun like a gaming magazine name.


3 columns
2 columns
1 column